#Public Procurement Public tenders worth €2.5 billion awarded to companies tied to Russia since February 2022 Jiří Skuhrovec • 2 years ago • 3 min čtení Prague 19.4.2023. Czech think-tank Datlab found that the volume of EU public contracts won by Russian-linked firms did not decline in 2022. The study highlights the challenges faced by authorities and
#english Analysis: Russian firms keep getting public tenders in the EU Jiří Skuhrovec • 2 years ago • 2 min čtení Public institutions might have difficulties in following the sanction rules.
#english Can Governments Pick Quality Suppliers? Jiří Skuhrovec • 6 years ago • 5 min čtení Yes, they can. But in practice they mostly don't - 66 % of suppliers get chosen, just because they are the cheapest. This EU-wide analysis provides a novel insight into real supplier selection processes.
#english Tenders in EU: how much goes to tax havens? Jiří Skuhrovec • 6 years ago • 11 min čtení Summary & key findingsTax haven based companies won 5 % of the value of public tenders throughout EU countries in 2006-2017.That yields a rough estimate of 100 bilion EUR being awarded annually to
#Politics How to measure conflict of interest in public procurement? Jiří Skuhrovec • 7 years ago • 3 min čtení 9.5 bln. EUR in public contracts and 633 mil. EUR in EU subsidies were awarded to Czech politically connected companies. That means roughly 15 % of all the contracts and subsidies going to
#Open Data The anatomy of “small scale” purchases — the Czech case Jiří Skuhrovec • 8 years ago • 5 min čtení Where does the money spent outside procurement regulation go?In our previous article we established that the vast majority of government purchases are not regulated by the EU directive but can be regulated
#Public Procurement The Elephant in the room Jiří Skuhrovec • 8 years ago • 6 min čtení Government spending outside public procurementEach year, governments in the EU purchase goods and services worth over 2 trillion EUR. However, only 17% of this goes through tenders following EU rules that ensure basic